I am reading:
Patterson, Kerry et al: Influencer – The Power to Change Anything
Peter Fingar and Ronald Aronica: The Death of ‘e’ and the Birth of the Real New Economy
Bernoff & Li: Groundswell
Matthew Hindman: The Myth of Digital Democracy
Alexander Bard & Jan Söderqvist: Netocracy
My reading log since September, 06:
Tapscott, Don: Wikinomics
Shirky, Clay: Here comes everybody
Surowiecki, James: The Wisdom of Crowds
Jeff Howe: Crowdsourcing
Charles Leadbeater: WE-THINK
Benkler, Jochai: The Wealth of Networks
Chris Anderson: The Long Tail
Barnes, Peter: Capitalism 3.0
Csikszentmihályi, Mihály: The Evolving Self
Johnson, Steven: Everything Bad is Good for You
Luntz, Frank: Words that Work
R.U.Sirius: True Mutations
Brafman, Ori and Beckstrom: The Starfish and the Spider
Heath, Chip & Dan: Made to Stick
Weinberger, David: Everything is Miscellanious
Rapaille, Coltaire: The Culture Code
Block, Bruce: The Visual Story
Cialdini, Robert: Influence
Gottdiener, M and Leslie Budd: Key Concepts in Urban Studies
Weber, Steven: The Success of Open Source
Weinberger, David: Small Pieces Loosely Joined
Fishkin, James: The Voice of the People
Balkin, Jack: Cultural Software
Garvin, Alexander: The American City
Rushkoff, Douglas: Get Back in The Box
Rushkoff, Douglas: Testament
Foer, Jonathan Safran: Everything is illuminated
Jacobs, Jane: The Death an Life of Great American Cities
Bhagwati, Jagdish: In Defense of Globalization (excerpts)
Aristotle: Nicomachean Ethics
Sun Tzu: The Art of War
Aristotle: Politics
Hardt, Michael and Antonio Negri: Empire (excerpts)
Sen, Amartya: Indentity and Violence – The Illusion of Destiny
Florida, Richard: The Flight of the Creative Class
Cronin, Thomas E.: Direct Democracy
Rousseau, Jean-Jacques: The Discourses, The Social Contract, Political Economy
Gordon, Deborah: Ants at Work
Alexis de Tocqueville: Democracy in America
Fishkin, James: Democracy and Deliberation
Ackermann and Fishkin: Deliberation Day
Pateman, Carole: Participation and Democratic Theory
Finley, M.I.: Democracy Ancient and Modern
Adams, Douglas: The Ultimate Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy – five novels in one outrageous volume